Celebrating 1 Day-Single
Your announcement will appear in the The StarPhoenix and online at classifieds.thestarphoenix.com
Base Price Includes:
- 6 print lines
- Additional lines available at $1.44 for each additional line.
- 20 online photos and a moderated guestbook for you to share your well wishes
Celebrating 1 Day-Double-Wide
Your announcement will appear in the The StarPhoenix and online at classifieds.thestarphoenix.com
Base Price Includes:
- 5 printed lines included
- Additional lines available at $2.88 for each additional line.
- 20 online photos and a moderated guestbook for you to share your well wishes
Online Only - Celebrating
Your announcement will appear online at classifieds.thestarphoenix.com
- 11 free online photo(s)
- Moderated guestbook to share your well wishes